Users enroll in the DaonetAu Blockchain by utilizing their smartphones to cast a ballot. Each ballot is a cryptographic signature of a seed number generated using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).
Following consensus, bookkeepers aggregate all the cast ballots. Bookkeeper nodes verify the ballots with user's public key If the final vote is greater than 66%, the bookkeeper will valid the Daunetau blockchain transactions with the sum of all ballots
Daocoins are awarded to all participating users for their contribution in verifying the DaonetAu blockchain. A new seed number is generated from the sum of all user's ballot. Daunetau blockchain move forward to the next transaction.
Simply keep your phone up and on. Any app with DaonetAu support will function autonomously. Daocoins are awarded every 15 minutes
All transactions are encrypted to the same high standard as any financial institution. Your participating ballots can only be cast from your phone.
Our blockchain is empowered by your mobile device. Dliminating the need for high energy consumption digital mining.